Massage with -Dabur Baby Massage Oil

The tenderness, love a child brings in one’s life is certainly a bliss in our life .To see them grow & nurture healthily is again a big challenge which takes most of our time & brings out the best from us ,be it from feeding them with best organic foods or giving them a hygienic environment or sharing with them BPA free toys .Amongst all this lies a very important part of a child’s growth ,Massage ,which is a wonderful way to express our love ,care & give our child a healthy life.

Importance of Child Massage:

Since ages, massaging child has taken on its roots in India, with the reasons making it mandatory as:

  1. An important gentle & rhythmic stroking which tones up baby’s muscles & makes bones strong
  2. It also enhances blood circulation & moisturizes baby’s skin
  3. Some people also say that it helps in weight gain due to toning up of body
  4. A gentle massage on tummy & chest help in releasing out the gas & improves digestion for the infant as well.
  5. It also acts as a big relaxant for kids, as it eases out the muscles & help in a good sleep post facto.
  6. It is a great method of bonding between a mother & child, as it is said that during massaging, oxytocin hormones are released which gives a warm feeling to the baby.
  7. Further it is also said that massage is a great option for pre-mature kids ,as it stimulates vagus nerve (connecting brain with major body organs) resulting in improved circulation ,digestion ,right bowel movement . Also, it leads to better brain activity for pre-mature infants.

Requirements of Massage:

  1. A perfect baby oil
  2. Towel
  3. Nappy kit

Right strokes with right baby oil matters a lot. Now –a day’s one can get so many baby oils in te market but it plays an important role in identifying the correct oil & apply it. I have been using Dabur Lal tel & Olive oil alternately on my kid from past 9 months ,the reason being Lal tel is a genuine & proven oil ,best for the strong bones & Olive oil has immense goodness of olives which not just moisturizes the skin but also helps in reducing the stress ,stiffness if any ,hydrates the skin ,induces better hair growth ,& also helps in better sleep which is must for infants.

So when I came to knew of Dabur’s new Baby oil having the goodness of Olives & Almonds, I did apply & wanted to test it out on my baby with a strong believe in Dabur products.

  1. A sweet interesting packaging which prompted my kid to pounce on it even before I tried to unpack it 😉 SO once he was satisfied & played for next 10-12 minutes, I finally grabbed it from him, to have a look & apply the same on him. So the start seemed to be interesting enough!!
  2. Studying on the compositions which clearly define as Almonds & Olives ,helping out in perfect nourishment to the child & making it all the more soft due to presence of Almond oil (which acts as a moisturizer as well)
  3. Further, felt pleased to know that the goodness of these oils had been enriched with the absence of any Paraffins & artificial colors, Paraben, unlike many products which up sell with added colors & fragrance. For infants, purity should be the final touch!


Once satisfied reading & making myself aware of the natural goodness of this oil, I was prompted to apply it on my baby. As such my kid loves getting massaged & I was eager to see him react when this goodness reached him all throughJ

Gently rubbing the oil between my palms, I started massage from the legs, starting slowly to being a little tight on thighs & calves & see here I saw him squeaking & smiling back 🙂

Moving upwards his chest & tummy making “I Love U” signs ,& using fingers to gently stroke in circles ,make him giggle & jump a lot ,but this is the way he enjoys. Similarly moving on hands & back I applied this oil with full faith & my kid loved the massage, which ended with a 2-3 minute session on his scalp which he loves the most.

Post this fabulous massage with perfect textured oil for a tight massage, some exercise made him sleepy & I felt pleased to see him sleep with a smiling face & relaxed body.

Conclusion : I found this oil perfect for people like me who love doing tight massage with not-so-light oils which are sold in the market .Along with this ,the freshness of almonds & Olives could be felt easily which act as “essential oils” for kids (although for us too..So even I applied it on me once ;))

Although this post is being written for Dabur Oil, but the goodness explained & experienced is very true ,as true as my baby & for the well being of all mothers like me. Do try out the product, which is quite reasonable & comes in 100Ml bottle. I’m sure you’ll be contented enough for a good tight massage.

I am writing about Dabur Baby Massage Oil with the goodness of olive and almond for the #FirstLove activity at BlogAdda.’

Happy with my oil:)

Happy with my oil:)

Natural Shine!!

Beauty, Flawless skin, presentable looks are a vital part of our lives now a days, be it winters or scorching summer heat or pouring of rains in rainy season.

To attain that perfect beauty & glow today’s youth run from pillar to post from getting facial surgeries done to uplift & have a glamorous skin & face. But, are they into correct mode to attain that? When we have so many traditional means, Ayurvedic means to give a radiant flawless skin? Even today “Grandma” tips if followed stringently can rule out those artificial surgeries & prove a better mode of shiny skin:) & yes an inexpensive mode too!

Beauty industry is a $300Bn empire & is rising every day ,every hour with increase in the average expenditure & simultaneously increase in people opting for the parlor routes for reasons as simple as Acne attack or Black heads or even simple massage or to have a glamorous look at the parties .This perfectly gives me a sense that world is shouting ..Hey guys, earn money, spend your precious time, hard-earned money & sometimes even risk your health for what?? Just to be sensuous & appealing enough?

So, here I suggest, be natural, go for natural tips & enjoy a life of luxury.For your sake, few Tips of “Grandma” worth working& which have been used since centuries have been mentioned below:

Tips for lustrous Skin:

  1. Aloe Vera – AloeVera ,also called plant of Immortality , is one of the best herbal remedy for Dry /burnt skin/ageing /tanning or for one having acne . It is well-known for its healing ,moisturizing properties ,this natural moisturizer when applied (gel of Aloe vera ,post removing the hard green part of the top) ,releases various essential vitamins ,enzymes ,supplies oxygen to the skin which in turns helps to increase the Skin elasticity ,strengthens the inner tissues ,maintains the PH balance as well of the skin.Further, it has enzymes as Auxin & gibberellinoxidants, Vitamin E to improve the tone of skin.
  2. Honey Face mask –Honey has anti-bacterial properties & just using the honey on face or by mixing it with raw milk/Banana +Lemon , keeping it for next 10-12 minutes , will cleanse your face & enhance its glow. Mind it ,all these tips have to be followed regularly to see a significant impact
  3. Raw Curd – Is a wonderful moisturizer for skin or scalp, mixing it with lemon can also help in curing dandruff.
  4. Natural Scrub : Coconut oil +Honey +sea salt +Lemon juice +little organic sugar when combined together ,massaged for 1-1.5minute & washed off ,are a perfect remedy for soft ,cleanse skin ,exfoliating the dead skin(sugar) ,softening the skin (honey & lemon) ,moisturizing the skin as well (coconut oil) . Isn’t it a quick & wonderful remedy, which can be used quite often, without any huge expenses?
  5. Black heads Removal – Put 6-7 drops of honey on lemon slice & rub it on your face for a minute or so, leave it for next 5-8 minutes & then wash off with cold water. Continuous use of this remedy will force black heads to leave your face & provide enough freshness in this summer.
  6. Almond Oil – A great lubricant, very light & nearly non –greasy, is apt for dry, chemically acted upon skin. Full of vitamin A,B ,E ,sweet almond oil not just cleanses the skin ,it also ease irritated skin ,provides body rashes ,delay the skin ageing ,improves face glow . It can also be added with honey to give instant glow.

There is a huge list of similar remedies(depending on SKIN type) ,but the most important is Be happy & healthy ,exercise regularly ,drink ample water & enough of liquids in summers ,lessen up oily & spicy food & focus of meditation. Along with these, when natural remedies are combined, they can give you the sensational feel of mind, body & soul as well. So why not leave go natural in these least expensive ways.

Even Ayurveda can be tested, with enhanced product ranges from Vicco using products as Turmeric, Sandal & many such natural ingredients which are bound to improve your skin quality.

Check out VICCO turmeric cream with anti-microbial properties on

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