#ProtectHerHeart!! Save your life!

Always in the realm of keeping the health first was what had been induced to me since I was Kid ,engaging in Yoga ,Meditation ,cycling ,relishing fibrous & sprouted foods , was what I had learnt & practiced for all these years .But after marriage the scenario started getting changed as managing Family with Work started to snatch some of my precious time & the time devoted to all these activities suddenly reduced to half. But ,that was not the end ,in past two years ,having a kid in our life has made us drift swiftly & completely from these important physical activities of lives .

Despite concurring the importance ,I could see myself engrossed in all deviations ,justifying reasons to myself as excess pressure ,Kid taking all of the time ,managing home ,work ,kid has become tedious ..Running after kid makes me exercise as much as I did before .But were all these justifications to bluff my soul actually TRUE? All these combinations started & I kept on excusing myself ,until recently I encountered an astonishing incident.

One of my good friend ,a lively &a very jovial person ,although healthy (not overweight) ,but a person who did donate his time to his physical well being every morning ,a person with no vices & enjoying his life. ,Well that’s what we see & perceive. Its not been a month that he felt dizzy ,started having head ache ,lost his stamina ,a visit to doctor opened my eyes rather shocked me ,when he encountered that his 2 arteries were blocked…How? When did it happen? He had a perfect life ,with little kids? NO what? SO many questions cropped up ,with a simple reason ,High cholesterol .. Gauging over & on discussing in depth ,it came up that it was the sedentary life , junk foods he took at least twice-thrice a week in the canteen, sweetened beverages daily ,high stress levels of his job.. Huh !! 3-4 reasons had marred his morning hard work ?STRANGE ,he’ll soon get operated , his wife knows the fact ,somehow she has become strong in front of the world ,but Kid’s are still asking their play time from their dad ,but He is unable to have the same time. This incident shook me in & out & I re-questioned myself ..Why am I or rather me & my husband fooling ourselves ? Same is our situation & any shit day can confront us with similar scenario’s ,God Forbid!

Coincidently ,I came across Saffola Life #Protectherheart initiative with Blogadda, which all the more strengthened my motive by revealing that 2 out of every 4 women are at the risk of heart diseases ..Reason ?Increasing weight ..I would add on few Facts :

  • Heart diseases cause 1 in 3 women’s death every year ,about one per minute
  • 90% Women have one or more factors which develop &complicate Heart disease
  • More women have died of heart disease compared to Men
  • Worst part ,64% of women who die of heart attack suddenly have never had any symptoms
  • All the more ,African American & Hispanic ,Latin women are at more risk

But ,yes it was the time to Open up eyes ,wash them & start a complete healthy plan .

  1. Quit Smoking & restrict alcohol (if you do)

    Next are the measures which we as a couple have decided to immediately –

  2. Diabetes check up regularly (as it increases chances of heart disease)
  3. Cholesterol (LDL <100mh/dL & HDL ->50mg/dL)& Tri-Glyceride levels (Less than 150 mg/dl) tested (High BP Chokes Arteries & Tri glycerides are fats which again block & result in improper blood pumping)
  4. Ensure BP under 120/80 mm Hg
  5. Healthy Weight (keep a track of BMI -Weight heart test -http://www.saffolalife.com/weight_heart_test.php) –

Few listing’s which me & my better half have prepared for us :

  •   Exercise daily for atleast 40-60 minutes in form of either :
    • 20 minutes of Yoga cum Aerobics (sweating must) ,improving Blood circulation & Energy levels
    • 15 minutes of cycling (to & fro for garden wherin we would engage in Yoga/Aerobics session) ,Fat burning & enhancing stamina
    • A jump in pool for 15 min swim ,reducing Stress levels ,refreshing you up!
    • If possible ,a night walk of 10-12 minutes ,helping in better & calmed sleep

      All these would reduce stroke risk by 20% & reduce coronary heart disease by 30-40% ,Isin’t it a booster to re-phrase your life?

      & you know the best part of all??A Quality time ,a sense of calmness ,a sense of betterment ,a feeling of togetherness is when you & your better half engage together in the above mentioned activities! I Guess that a big candy to grab on;)

    6.Food Diary is a must – Note down actualy Calorie intake required (many online calculators available) & jot the actual food & its calorie intake (a simple my diary page attached for reference)

  • Add more of dietary fibres ,whole grains ,(Fibres+Whole grains ,atleast 3 1-ounce servings a day)
  • Oats ,Sprouted moong ,Chana ,more of washed leafy vegetables ,salads
  • Soaked nuts ,legumes ,daily morning
  • NO entering in kitchen post 8:30Pm (I mean ,Dinner to be completed before 8:30Pm)
  • NO junk food except 1 day a week that too only one time for Cheesy Pizza’s ,or yummy Burgers or spicy tikki’s & other meal to be supplemented with light masala Oats or salads on the day of Junk /Restraunt food to balance out the excess calories & fats.
  • Reduce sweetened packed beverages (just once in a fortnight) ,better to go for glass of glucose or simple lemon water a day
  • Lowering down Salt Intake(less than 1500mg a day) & focus on low Fat –dairy products
  • Bye bye to regular oils & the shelf should have just Saffola Gold & Olive oils for Smiling heart.


Let’s all read the facts presented by SaffolaLife to #ProtectHerHeart ,Take the test to ascertain your BMI levels ,follow the Exercise & Diet Plan’s recommended & pledge to Walk Together to #ProtectHerHeart ,have a smiling life & smiling futureJ ,Just like my & my beter half’s BMI stats !!

Guys , I am joining the Saffolalife #ProtectHerHeart initiative and pledging my support to better heart health in Association with BlogAdda.” ,Come forward & you too pledge for the same..

Massage with -Dabur Baby Massage Oil

The tenderness, love a child brings in one’s life is certainly a bliss in our life .To see them grow & nurture healthily is again a big challenge which takes most of our time & brings out the best from us ,be it from feeding them with best organic foods or giving them a hygienic environment or sharing with them BPA free toys .Amongst all this lies a very important part of a child’s growth ,Massage ,which is a wonderful way to express our love ,care & give our child a healthy life.

Importance of Child Massage:

Since ages, massaging child has taken on its roots in India, with the reasons making it mandatory as:

  1. An important gentle & rhythmic stroking which tones up baby’s muscles & makes bones strong
  2. It also enhances blood circulation & moisturizes baby’s skin
  3. Some people also say that it helps in weight gain due to toning up of body
  4. A gentle massage on tummy & chest help in releasing out the gas & improves digestion for the infant as well.
  5. It also acts as a big relaxant for kids, as it eases out the muscles & help in a good sleep post facto.
  6. It is a great method of bonding between a mother & child, as it is said that during massaging, oxytocin hormones are released which gives a warm feeling to the baby.
  7. Further it is also said that massage is a great option for pre-mature kids ,as it stimulates vagus nerve (connecting brain with major body organs) resulting in improved circulation ,digestion ,right bowel movement . Also, it leads to better brain activity for pre-mature infants.

Requirements of Massage:

  1. A perfect baby oil
  2. Towel
  3. Nappy kit

Right strokes with right baby oil matters a lot. Now –a day’s one can get so many baby oils in te market but it plays an important role in identifying the correct oil & apply it. I have been using Dabur Lal tel & Olive oil alternately on my kid from past 9 months ,the reason being Lal tel is a genuine & proven oil ,best for the strong bones & Olive oil has immense goodness of olives which not just moisturizes the skin but also helps in reducing the stress ,stiffness if any ,hydrates the skin ,induces better hair growth ,& also helps in better sleep which is must for infants.

So when I came to knew of Dabur’s new Baby oil having the goodness of Olives & Almonds, I did apply & wanted to test it out on my baby with a strong believe in Dabur products.

  1. A sweet interesting packaging which prompted my kid to pounce on it even before I tried to unpack it 😉 SO once he was satisfied & played for next 10-12 minutes, I finally grabbed it from him, to have a look & apply the same on him. So the start seemed to be interesting enough!!
  2. Studying on the compositions which clearly define as Almonds & Olives ,helping out in perfect nourishment to the child & making it all the more soft due to presence of Almond oil (which acts as a moisturizer as well)
  3. Further, felt pleased to know that the goodness of these oils had been enriched with the absence of any Paraffins & artificial colors, Paraben, unlike many products which up sell with added colors & fragrance. For infants, purity should be the final touch!


Once satisfied reading & making myself aware of the natural goodness of this oil, I was prompted to apply it on my baby. As such my kid loves getting massaged & I was eager to see him react when this goodness reached him all throughJ

Gently rubbing the oil between my palms, I started massage from the legs, starting slowly to being a little tight on thighs & calves & see here I saw him squeaking & smiling back 🙂

Moving upwards his chest & tummy making “I Love U” signs ,& using fingers to gently stroke in circles ,make him giggle & jump a lot ,but this is the way he enjoys. Similarly moving on hands & back I applied this oil with full faith & my kid loved the massage, which ended with a 2-3 minute session on his scalp which he loves the most.

Post this fabulous massage with perfect textured oil for a tight massage, some exercise made him sleepy & I felt pleased to see him sleep with a smiling face & relaxed body.

Conclusion : I found this oil perfect for people like me who love doing tight massage with not-so-light oils which are sold in the market .Along with this ,the freshness of almonds & Olives could be felt easily which act as “essential oils” for kids (although for us too..So even I applied it on me once ;))

Although this post is being written for Dabur Oil, but the goodness explained & experienced is very true ,as true as my baby & for the well being of all mothers like me. Do try out the product, which is quite reasonable & comes in 100Ml bottle. I’m sure you’ll be contented enough for a good tight massage.

I am writing about Dabur Baby Massage Oil with the goodness of olive and almond for the #FirstLove activity at BlogAdda.’

Happy with my oil:)

Happy with my oil:)