OZiva protein & Herbs – Indian Women’s Magic Masala!

Professional.. Home maker…Mother…Wife… Always in a fray to cook the loved dishes for Family & kids! Spare time is for Kids ! Then where is “Me time”? The time to take care of your health ,to do things you enjoy ,I’m sure this would be the story of 80-90% Indian women hidden under the responsibility of work & home being taken care of happily.

While this spirit definitely needs to be saluted but then we ourselves need to be strong enough to take care of our family’s happily & be the idol fitness role model. This very well demands special attention on the food we intake & the nutrition we get out of it!

Let me just throw light on a survey – “Protein consumption in the diets of adult Indians, conducted by IMRB ,which stated that :

    • The Protein Consumption in the Diet of Adult Indians Survey, a multi-city survey, which was conducted by IM70% of Indian women are deficient in protein intake
    • 9 out of 10 Indians consumed less than the required quantity of proteins daily
    • 91% 9191mdlsjdksjfkdhf91% vegetarians & 85% Non vegetarians were deficient
    • 80% 80o88jkj80% of 80% Indian diets are Protein deficient

Why are we debating on Protein intake? 

Most of our diets in India are heavily bent towards the carbohydrates, thus creating a big dent on the daily protein intake. Proteins are the basic building blocks for strengthening muscles, building immunity, to overcome fatigue, healthy hair & nails.

Its deficiency leads to weakness, fatigue ,hair fall, slow processing of signals by brain ,higher fat% & that is the start of disease-prone body.

Yet in India people have the notion that Protein intake is more important for people with extra physical exercise as in bodybuilders ,sports players but they fail to understand that an average person’s need is 1gm/Kg of the bodyweight that too daily.

While in today’s scenario & especially for Vegetarians, food with proteins are very limited – Milk ,Green vegetables ,pulses (While the actual benefit of nutrition content in today’s packed milk & green veggies full of pesticides is uncertain ,so the options are very less to cover up the deficiency).

Further the lifestyle has led to most of looking out for some “Magic Masala” that would help us re-gain the fitness & ensure that our body gets the desired nutrients.

That is when I came across OZiva.

Most of the protein supplements available in the retail stores have very less protein content – less than 10gms per scoop. OZiva Protein & Herbs provides almost 3 times the amount of protein when compared – making it far more convenient to meet the daily protein requirement.


Sharing what I found about them from their website –

At OZIVA we aim at solving the basic challenge faced by many people – the lack of nutrition. We have worked with nutritionists and researchers to develop the perfect, nutrition-rich products ranging from well-rounded meal replacements to high protein blends, to help tackle the problems like irregular meal timings, faulty food choices, to combat the stress of a fast-paced life among other problems that are now a part of everyone’s life.”

Our ayurvedic herbs and nutrient components are selected with care maintaining highest quality, thus eliminating the risk of adulteration and alteration of the total nutritional value.


So whats so special about OZiva Protein & Herbs ?

  1. Wholesome Protein Rich Breakfast Shake – It is easily one of the healthy and wholesome protein rich food option that one can have for breakfast. It gives more than 30 gm of protein per scoop when taken with milk.
  2. Blended with Ayurvedic Herbs Specially for Women – The protein is enriched with an ayurvedic herbal blend that is something to watch out for! With the choicest herbs specific to women, ranging from Shatavari (for hormonal balance and vitality), Tulsi (for its purification properties: boosts hair health and even, clear skin tone), and Green Tea Extract (powerhouse of antioxidants to help you burn all that extra flab!) and not only that, but also the goodness of Omega 3 (traced from plant sources to suit vegetarian and jain preferences), this product stands as an impressive choice for everyone .
  3. It’s Yummy – With its easy mixing ability and delicious chocolate flavour, it can be easily blended with absolutely anything- be it, dark chocolate or oats or fruits or even nuts. The result is deliciously indulgent yet healthy shake.
  4. Time saving: Jus 5mins & it’s ready! Perfect on-the-go option when one is running short on time and needs a quick fix for a healthy meal!
  5. Low in Sugar – Most importantly, Protein & Herbs shake is low in sugar and yet tastes amazing! If you are trying to watch out your fat% and food habits, this shake will help you be on the right health track.
  6. Free Diet Consultation – The diet consultation is absolutely free with the product.oziva2

Why not read more about the product @ OZiva website (Click Here) or Amazon or speak to their nutritionist at 9769298556.

It’s a sincere option to take us to a better life with more fun & zeal for life!

Do try out free diet consultation & get to know the importance of nutrition!

Your health ,your life ,matters to loved ones! Give them this gift for happiness!

Honey..That’s Yummy Honey!!

The key to be healthy life is Regular exercise + Nutritional Diet + Meditation +Happy Feeling.
Well, out of this, a lot more focus is on the diet part these days, with the problems of obesity highlighting frequently in the youngsters. Reasons, mainly Junk food, lack of outdoor activities, ignorance towards whole grain foods.

Since kids ,we have been brought up in a very open environment but when it came to eating part ,it was a very strict routine with all nutrients to be taken in one form or the other .Since then ,a balanced diet played a very important role in my life .

Few of the reasons citing importance of a Balanced diet :

1. Happy Mind & Soul : What we eat ,have a direct relation on the brain & its activity .Reason behind -foods release many enzymes ,few of which enhance the moods ,energizes it, while few do not add any value except increase in Fat content. Healthy food means better quality of re-fuel to the brain so, better the quality, more is the productivity.
2. Immune Development & Lesser Stress: Vitamins, Minerals, Fats, Proteins are all essential & certain quantity has to be taken daily to have a balanced body & metabolism. Also, some foods help relieving the stress as foods rich in Vitamin C, Magnesium, Omega-3 by releasing stress reducing hormones & giving a feeling of freshness.
3. Important for maintaining a better weight : increasing the intake of diets as whole grains ,fruits, sprouts ,light boiled vegetables help one maintain optimum weight ,as it reduces the intake of fried & low-nutrient eatables ,which just increase the Fat & Calorie intake while providing zero nutrition.
4. A healthy heart :Above mentioned foods as whole grains ,fibres ,fruits ,not only control body weight ,but also maintain an optimum Blood Pressure & reduce Cholesterol leading to healthy heart!

It’s very popular these days, with the absence of quality time, most of us instead of refraining to Fried /Junk food, are more into it. Hungry? Here we go to have a cheese burger & sip soda/cold drink .These heavy breads ,oily foods ,chaat corners are not just providing enough sensation to taste buds but these are the major reasons for an unhealthy heart & when the waist line starts to increase we consult with our friends & pounce on “Crash Diets”.
So what are crash diets & how do they “Put body in stress” rather than making it healthier?
Sudden aerobics, fasting or relying just on protein diet, or just a lemonade diet or some soupy diet, detoxification programs are a part of crash diets & they prove serious damage to our body.

It can lead to –
1. Improper Metabolism -restriction of regular calories result in lowering of the metabolism & turning of blood fats into body fats & this starts working against us. After a while when one switch to normal eating again, you bounce back & gain more weight because of the low calorie benchmark which was set earlier.
2. Loss of Good Fat: crash diets not only cut on bad fats but good high level fats as well, which might impair the proper metabolism, resulting in loss of essential fatty acids which are important for for wear & tear.
3. Increase in Insulin: Due to low calorie intake while on crash diets, there can be a dip in the blood sugar level, resulting in increase in the hunger. Increased hunger can lead to extra intake of carbohydrates if not fats, which trigger body insulin levels & again an increase in extra fat storage.
4. Impact on Heart: Crash diets have serious impact on heart if done very frequently by increasing the risk of dehydration, heart palpitations & sudden cardiac arrests along with damage to blood vessels.

So with that much of scientific knowledge, let’s turn back to healthy lifestyle & follow the diet our elders did..A glass of lemon juice or Lemon juice & honey in the morning ,Fruits & milk for breakfast ,healthy (not extra cooked) green vegetables for lunch ,curd ,whole grains ,all should be an important part of daily lives.

Honey, (Natural Dabur Honey) a great & natural ingredient with many properties should be a part of your system.
Check out various delicious recipes, Fitness tips, more details & importance of Honey or you could even take an expert advice at http://www.daburhoney.com/ ,Honey Diet.
Enjoy Healthy life!